‘The best seafood dishes are homemade’
Being well prepared
… really makes all the difference. And with this clear step-by-step explanation to cook fish, seafood and shellfish, it’ll be a breeze. Even fileting a salmon will be a piece of cake. Betcha you can do it too?
Cooking with seafood
Sea Tales founder Bart van Olphen has worked in the best restaurants out there for many years. Now, he travels across the globe to live, fish and cook with people from unique fishing communities. He shares his experiences through social media and in his cookbooks, to inspire the world to enjoy 100% good seafood. Because enjoying seafood and caring for the future can go hand in hand. You’ll really notice this when you start using his recipes in your own kitchen. By the way, we made and tasted all his recipes ourselves too. They were finger-licking good. And if we can do it, so can you.
Back to basics
Good ingredients are vital for a tasty dish - but the right preparations are just as important. That’s why we’ve put all the basic preps together in one clear overview, filled with smart tips and tricks to get the most flavor from your seafood.